This page was created for Hudder version 5.0.0, information may vary in validity for prior versions
Variables are NOT case sensitive
Functions enforce a strict type system, all strings/text must be surrounded by double quotes or it will be treated as the name of a variable.
Parameters in [] are required, parameters in <> are optional.
Booleans are either true or false (or conditions), Strings are pieces of text (Strings must be surrounded by quotes) and Number are... well... numbers...
Type casting
int([Text]) - returns the number equavilent of the provided text (ex. "1" returns the number 1, "20" returns the number 20, etc.)
str([Anything]) - returns the text equavilent of the provided value (ex. the number 1 returns "1", the boolean true returns "true", etc.)
Text manipulation (Deprecated)
concat([Text], [Text]) - returns the combination of the provided texts (ex. concat("1","2") returns "12")
substring([Text], [Number], [Number]) - returns the text between the 2 provided points (ex. substring("Long text", 1, 4) returns "ong")
repeat([Text], [Number]) - returns the provided text repeated the requested amount (ex. repeat("Repeat", 2) returns "RepeatRepeat")
length([Text]) - returns the length of the provided text (ex. length("Length") returns 6)
Reading variables
getVar([String variable]) - returns the variable with the given name (ex. fps, key_h).
getNumber([String variable]) - returns the Number variable with the given name.
getString([String variable]) - returns the String variable with the given name.
getBoolean([String variable]) - returns the Boolean variable with the given name.
Inventory information
itemname([Number]) - returns the name of the item in the provided slot
itemdurability([Number]) - returns the durability of the item in the provided slot
itemmaxdurability([Number]) - returns the maximum durability of the item in the provided slot
itemcount([Number]) - returns the count of items in the provided slot
itemmaxcount([Number]) - returns the maximum count of items in the provided slot (ex. if an enderpearl is in the slot it will return 16)
Math helper functions
Yeah, I have no idea how trigonometry works so this is just a list with no explanation.
abs([Number]) - returns the positive value of the provided number (ex. abs(1) returns 1, abs(-1) returns 1, etc.)
floor([Number]) - returns the closest round number that is either equal to or less than the provided number (ex. floor(7.25) returns 7, floor(8) returns 8, floor(6.9) returns 6, etc.)
ceiling([Number]) - returns the closest round number that is either equal to or greater than the provided number (ex. ceiling(7.25) returns 8, floor(8) returns 8, floor(6.9) returns 7, etc.)
sqrt([Number]) - returns the square root of the provided number (ex. sqrt(4) returns 2)
pow([Number], [Number]) - returns the first number to the power of the second number (ex. pow(2,8) returns 256)
min([Number], [Number]) - returns the lowest of the two provided numbers (ex. min(1,20) returns 1)
max([Number], [Number]) - returns the highest of the two provided numbers (ex. max(1,20) returns 20)
truncate([Number], [Number]) - returns the first number with the decimal cut off beyond the point provided in the second number (ex. truncate(1.69, 1) returns 1.6)
rng([Number], [Number], <Number>) - returns a random number between the first two numbers, if a third number is provided it will be used as the seed
exists([Text]) - returns true if a file named the provided text exists within Hudder's config folder otherwise it returns false (ex. exists("hud") will return true)
strwidth([Text]) - returns the width of the provided text if drawn on screen with a scale of 1
map() - returns a Java HashMap (If you don't know what that means then it has no use for you)