This page was created for Hudder version 5.0.0, information may vary in validity for prior versions
Method names are NOT case sensitive
Parameters in [] are required, parameters in <> are optional.
[Number x] refers to the horizontal position on screen, [Number y] refers to the vertical position on screen.
Booleans are either true or false (or conditions), Strings are pieces of text (Strings must be surrounded by quotes) and Number are... well... numbers...
Inventory management
;slot, [Number slot], [Number x], [Number y], <Number scale>, <Boolean showcount>; - draw the item in the provided slot on screen.
;item, [String itemid], [Number x], [Number y], <Number scale>; - draw the item with the provided id on screen.
;hand, [Number x], [Number y], <Number scale>, <Boolean showcount>; - draw the held item on screen.
;helemet, [Number x], [Number y], <Number scale>, <Boolean showcount>; - draw the item in the helmet slot on screen.
;chestplate, [Number x], [Number y], <Number scale>, <Boolean showcount>; - draw the item in the chestplate slot on screen.
;leggings, [Number x], [Number y], <Number scale>, <Boolean showcount>; - draw the item in the leggings slot on screen.
;boots, [Number x], [Number y], <Number scale>, <Boolean showcount>; - draw the item in the boots slot on screen.
;offhand, [Number x], [Number y], <Number scale>, <Boolean showcount>; - draw the item in the offhand slot on screen.
Text Rendering
;text, [Number x], [Number y], [String text], <Number scale>, <HexColor color>, <Boolean shadow>, <Boolean background>, <HexColor bgcolor> - Compile and then draw the provided text on screen.
;topleft/topright/bottomleft/bottomright/mute, <Number scale>; - change which section to write to.
;statusbar/xpbar/hotbar/helditemtooltip, [Number x], [Number y]; - Draw the provided Hud element on screen.
;image, [String filename], [Number x], [Number y], [Number width], [Number height]; - Draws the provided Image on screen.
;texture, [Number x], [Number y], [Number width], [Number height]; - Draws the provided Texture on screen.
Vertex rendering (See Vertex rendering for more info)
;texturevertices, [String filename], [Array vertecies], [Array textures]; - Draws the provided image with the provided vertex and texture array
;colorvertices, [String filename], [Array vertecies], [HexColor color]; - Draws a shape with the provided vertex array and color
;texturevertices_con, [String filename], [Array vertecies], [Array textures]; - Draws the provided image with the provided vertex and texture array (continous)
;colorvertices_con, [String filename], [Array vertecies], [HexColor color]; - Draws a shape with the provided vertex array and color (continous)
;log, [String message]; - Send the provided message in the game console.
;warn, [String message]; - Send the provided message in the game console at warning level.
;error, [String message]; - Send the provided message in the game console at error level.
;alert, [String message]; - Send the provided message in the player's chat.
;throw, [String message]; - Throws an CompileException with the provided message - Please do not use this if you don't know what this means.
File management
;run, [String filename], <Boolean addText>, <String compiler>; - Compile the provided hud with the provided compiler, if "addText" is set to true then it will combine the text of the compiled hud with the current one , UI Elements get added whether addText is true or false.
Deprecated methods
All deprecated methods will be or have been removed (Solutions will be provided)
;strwidth, [String text], [String variable];
Deprecated in version 5.0.0, removed in version 5.5.0 (Use the strwidth Function)
;exists, [String text], [String variable];
Deprecated and removed in version 5.0.0 (Use the exists Function)
;decimalpoint, [String numbervariable], [Number maxdecimalpoint];
Deprecated in version 5.0.0, removed in version 6.0.0 (Use the truncate Function)
;int, [String numbervariable];
Deprecated and removed in version 5.0.0 (Use the floor, ceiling or truncate Function)
;concat, [String firstString], [String secondString], [String variable];
Deprecated in version 5.0.0, removed in version 6.0.0 (Use the concat Function)
;substring, [String string], [Number start], [Number end], [String variable];
Deprecated in version 5.0.0, removed in version 6.0.0 (Use the substring Function)
;name, [Number slot], [String variable];
Deprecated in version 5.5.0, removed in version 6.0.0 (Use the itemname Function)
;durability, [Number slot], [String variable];
Deprecated in version 5.5.0, removed in version 6.0.0 (Use the itemdurability Function)
;maxdurability, [Number slot], [String variable];
Deprecated in version 5.5.0, removed in version 6.0.0 (Use the itemmaxdurability Function)
;count, [Number slot], [String variable];
Deprecated in version 5.5.0, removed in version 6.0.0 (Use the itemcount Function)
;maxcount, [Number slot], [String variable];
Deprecated in version 5.5.0, removed in version 6.0.0 (Use the itemmaxcount Function)